Sebastian Bull Sarning

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Boys Feels: Stand by Me

Boys Feels: Stand by Me

During tender years, a companion can guide you through awkward moments when the heart rules the head, or be a partner in crime in the face of ...
April 9th

April 9th

Mar. 12, 2015

April 9th

In the early morning of April 9th 1940, the Danish army is alerted. The Germans have crossed the border; Denmark is at war against Europe’s ...
The Hunt

The Hunt

Oct. 25, 2012

The Hunt

A teacher lives a lonely life, all the while struggling over his son’s custody. His life slowly gets better as he finds love and receives good ...


Mar. 25, 2010


As children, Nick and his little brother take care of their baby brother while their mother drinks herself senseless. But the baby dies, and both ...