Claude Lelouch

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Love Is Better Than Life

Love Is Better Than Life

Upon their release from prison twen­ty years ear­li­er, Gérard, Ary and Philippe asked them­selves if hon­esty was not the best rack­et of them ...
The Best Years of a Life

The Best Years of a Life

They knew each other long ago: a man and a woman whose dazzling and unexpected romance captured in the now-iconic film revolutionized our ...
Itinerary of a Spoiled Child

Itinerary of a Spoiled Child

A foundling, raised in the circus, Sam Lion becomes a businessman after a trapeze accident. However, when he reaches fifty and becomes tired of ...


Jun. 03, 1987


On the day Jean Gabin dies, a kidnaper who also takes a fortune in jewels heisted from Cartiers murders Simon Verini’s wife. (Simon was ...
Edith and Marcel

Edith and Marcel

Jan. 01, 1983

Edith and Marcel

This tragic musical drama chronicles the star-crossed love between beloved French singer Edith Piaf and World Middleweight boxing champion Marcel ...
Robert et Robert

Robert et Robert

Jun. 13, 1978

Robert et Robert

Robert #1 is played by Charles Denner, while Robert #2 is played by Jacques Villeret. Beyond their common name, the two Roberts are as different ...
13 Days in France

13 Days in France

Sep. 27, 1968

13 Days in France

This colorful documentary chronicles the events of the 1968 Winter Olympics in France. The events made international celebrities of skater Peggy ...